This is artwork is inspired by the following excerpt from the book The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery: “”Nothing exciting has happened for ever so long,” said the Story Girl discontentedly, one late May evening, as we lingered under the wonderful white bloom of the cherry trees. There was a long row of them in the orchard, with a Lombardy poplar at either end, and a hedge of lilacs behind. When the wind blew over them all the spicy breezes of Ceyclon’s isle were never sweeter.
It was a time of wonder and marvel, of the soft touch of silver rain on greening fields, of the incredible delicacy of young leaves, of blossom in field and garden and wood. The whole world bloomed in a flush and tremor of maiden loveliness, instinct with all the evasive, fleeting charm of spring and girlhood and young morning. We felt and enjoyed it all without understanding or analyzing it.
It was enough to be glad and young with spring on the golden road.”
- How The Download Works
After purchase you will receive a PDF-file in the size you’ve chosen. This file is meant for your private use only and not allowed to be sold or send/shared with others. If you want to share it with someone else, please purchase it again for this purpose. - How to Print the File
You can print this file at home or at a print shop. For help and ideas about how and where to print click here. - Available sizes
A4 – 210 x 297 mm // 8.3 x 11.7 inches
A3 – 297 x 420 mm // 11.7 x 16.5 inches
A2 – 420 x 594 mm // 16.5 x 23.4 inches
- How The Download Works
- Size and Material
It is made with acrylic paints on paper. The size is 420 x 594 mm (A2-size) including a small white border, the border is a little damaged from when I took the tape off the painting. If you want, I can cut the border off for you.
The artwork is sprayed with a varnish so that it will be more protected from dust, dirt and light. Next to this I would advice to frame the painting in a frame with special UV-glass to avoid any possible color loss over the years – especially if it will be hung in a sunny spot.
- Size and Material
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