Category Archives: Beautiful Things
You Are Alive
“And what is it like: to be alive in this maybe one place of all...
Who is God? (According to St. Augustine)
A couple of years ago I started reading the book ‘Confessions’ by st. Augustine and...
I Am Not Who I Am (Rembrandt And I)
God says “I am who I am.” But with human beings it should be: “We...
Does It Have To Be So Hard?
Jesus wants us to stick with Him through the awkward learning parts so we can...
The Man Who Turned Pain into Ecstatic Beauty
Dr. Who is a time traveler and in this episode he takes the painter Vincent...
What We Lost With the Invention of the Photograph
I do think we lost something profound with the invention of the photograph: The trust...
My Collection of Autumn Discoveries – From My Diary
I was reduced to a shadow surrounded by the magnificent beauty of nature playing with...
Van Gogh’s Advice on Dealing With Suffering
Vincent van Gogh suffered a lot in his lifetime. He was very poor, didn’t have...
What it Means to Be Yourself – Inspired by Virginia Woolf
To be yourself is not as straightforward as it sounds. In fact, yourself has everything...
5 Wonderful Ideas from Illustrator & Designer Olle Eksell
Olle could not draw people very well, still he became a very influential illustrator. Learn...
I Want To Thrive, Not Just Survive
Every day I come to new discoveries about life and living. They are new and...
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