Little Joys

A page filled with different articles on the little joys in our daily life – the most important moments to look for

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A moment of pure enjoyment By Virginia Woolf

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Little home joys

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“We enjoyed it all without understanding or analyzing it.” – by L.M. Montgomery 

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Discover beautiful light in your home

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“Of all the hours of an ordinary working week-day, which are the pleasantest to look forward to and to look back upon? If a single instance is of use in framing a theory, it may be said that the minutes between nine-twenty-five and nine-thirty in the morning had a singular charm for Mary Datchet. She spent them in a very enviable frame of mind; her contentment was almost unalloyed. High in the air as het flat was, some beams from the morning sun reached her even in November, striking straight at curtain, chair, and carpet, and painting there three bright, true spaces of green, blue and purple, upon which the eye rested with a pleasure which gave physical warmth to the body. 
There were few mornings when Mary did not look up, as she bent to lace her boots, and as she followed the yellow rod from curtain to breakfast-table she usually breathed some sigh of thankfulness that her life provided her with such moments of pure enjoyment. She was robbing no one of anything, and yet, to get so much pleasure from simple things, such as eating one’s breakfast alone in a room which had nice colors in it, clean from the skirting of the boards to the corners of the ceiling, seemed to suit her so thoroughly that she used at first to hunt about for some one to apologize to, or for some flaw in the situation.”

An excerpt from the book Night and Day written by Virginia Woolf. (chapter 6)
Published in 1919 when Virginia was 37 years old. She lived from 1882 until 1941. 

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Little Home Joys

At times I like to walk through the house with my camera in hand and just record all the things I enjoy at the moment. 

I change things around quite often and it’s nice to be reminded of all the little homely joys of the past :) 

This desk diary I found at a second hand store and it brings me a lot of joy every time I see and use it. I just changed the numbers of the dates and it works fine!

I also found a box of old sewing magazines and it inspires me to sew more clothes. 
Plus I made my first quilt blanket, it’s not perfect at all, but I had fun making it, and learned many quilting lessons in the process.  

“”Nothing exciting has happened for ever so long,” said the Story Girl discontentedly, one late May evening, as we lingered under the wonderful white bloom of the cherry trees. There was a long row of them in the orchard, with a Lombardy poplar at either end, and a hedge of lilacs behind. When the wind blew over them all the spicy breezes of Ceyclon’s isle were never sweeter. 
It was a time of wonder and marvel, of the soft touch of silver rain on greening fields, of the incredible delicacy of young leaves, of blossom in field and garden and wood. The whole world bloomed in a flush and tremor of maiden loveliness, instinct with all the evasive, fleeting charm of spring and girlhood and young morning. We felt and enjoyed it all without understanding or analyzing it. 
It was enough to be glad and young with spring on the golden road.”

An excerpt from the book The Golden Road by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
The book was published in 1913 when L.M. Montgomery was 39 years old. She lived from 1874 until 1942.  

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– Discovering beautiful light in your home –


Light. At times I wonder what it is about light that brings so much joy to my heart. I read once that ‘light is the shadow of God.’ And maybe that’s what makes it so beautiful. It is as if everything that light touches comes to life. And it’s a beautiful thing to notice and experience.

Since a few months I live in a new apartment. That means that I’m still discovering how the light falls into this new home – and what a joy to discover it :)

I can highly recommend picking up a camera, or using your phone, when the sun is falling in your house and capturing those beautiful places where light and shadow meet. And even more: those spots where the light shines through a tree and the lights and shadows are dancing on your walls, on your sofa, on your floor.

A few tips:
  • The most beautiful light is usually a few hours before the sun goes down. Early mornings are beautiful as well!
  • If you can, try to underexpose your photo to see more of the warmth and color of the light. (On a phone you can often do this by pressing your finger on a bright part of your photo, then it will adjust the exposure settings based on that.)
  • Walk around your house slowly and just search for light. You might see it where you never had :)



Make your own Elegant Flower Cards

Practical remedies against melancholy – by Sydney Smith


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